Enjoy the Season with Spring Hygge

There's something about springtime that just makes everything feel new and refreshed. The days are longer, the sun is warmer, and the flowers are blooming. But this season isn't just about the beauty of nature—it's also about taking a break from your busy life and slowing down to savor the moment. That's where spring hygge comes in.

What is Spring Hygge?

Hygge (pronounced hoo-guh) is a Danish word that roughly translates to "coziness" or "warmth." It's all about creating a sense of peace, comfort, and contentment—and it doesn't have to be expensive or complicated to achieve. In fact, simple things like drinking tea on your porch or tending to your garden can make you feel more connected to your environment and help you take a step back from your hectic day-to-day life.

Ways To Enjoy Spring Hygge

There are many different ways to practice hygge, and they can be as simple or as luxurious as you want. Here are some ideas:

• Go for a walk in nature—get out into the fresh air and appreciate the beauty of springtime (bonus points if you bring along a picnic lunch!) My goal this year is to take Sundays to find the best picnic sites, I even have a cool English picnic basket :)

• Plant some flowers or vegetables in your garden and watch as they grow over time — there’s nothing like watching something come alive, that you started from a small seed. Gardening is a great way to get in touch with nature and appreciate the simple things in life. It doesn't matter if you have a green thumb or not – simply being outdoors and enjoying the fresh air can do wonders for your state of mind.

• Take a nap in a hammock while listening to birds singing — relax, refresh, and recharge!

Because we we live in a cold climate it can be hard to spend as much time outside as you'd like during the winter months. That's why it's important to find little ways to bring nature indoors. Something as simple as keeping a vase of fresh flowers on your kitchen table can make a big difference. Or, try setting up a small indoor herb garden that you can tend to year-round.

The best part about spring hygge is that it's all about slowing down and finding joy in small moments. So whether you're going for a walk in nature or planting flowers in your garden, take some time this season to enjoy the simple comforts of life. With these tips, we hope you'll find yourself immersed in cozy spring hygge vibes before you know it!

Here are some book recommendations to learn more about hygge:

The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking: This book is a comprehensive guide to understanding and practicing the art of hygge, and includes history, recipes, self-care tips, and ideas for creating your own cozy spaces.

Hygge: A Celebration of Simple Pleasures by Signe Johansen: This book showcases how the idea of hygge can be incorporated into everyday life with thoughtful essays on mindfulness, delicious recipes, and tips for achieving a sense of contentment in even the busiest lives.

The Art of Hygge: How to Bring Everyday Pleasure and Danish Coziness Into Your Life by Louisa Thomsen Brits: This colorful guidebook offers advice on how to cultivate an atmosphere of simplicity, relaxation, and comfort at home through carefully chosen colors, textures, scents, music and food.

The Year-Round Solar Greenhouse Book by Jean Pain & John Porteous: Learn how to create your own solar greenhouse using passive solar energy principles including hygge design elements such as natural light and warmth.

The Little Book of Lykke: Secrets of the World's Happiest People by Meik Wiking: Explore Denmark's culture of contentment with interviews from some of its happiest citizens who share their secrets for keeping life simple while still appreciating all that it has to offer.

The Cozy Life: Rediscover the Joy of the Simple Things Through the Danish Concept Of Hygge by Pia Edberg : This book shows readers how to bring happiness into their lives through traditional Scandinavian customs such as candlelight, baking bread together or simply taking time out for leisurely conversations over coffee with friends or family members.


Spring Garden Checklist


Planning a Cut-Flower Garden